1611 Golf Club Membership - Terms & Conditions
These Membership Terms and Conditions ("Terms") outline the procedures and requirements all members must understand and agree to prior to purchasing a membership, of any level from 1611 Golf Club ("Organization"). By submitting payment for a membership, you agree to adhere to the following terms:
**1. Eligibility for Termination:**
- Only active members in good standing are eligible to request membership termination.
- Membership termination requests will be processed according to the Organization's policies and procedures.
**2. Submission of Termination Request:**
- Membership termination requests must be submitted in writing via email to: memberships@1611golf.com, no less than seven (7) days prior to the next billing date.
**3. Membership Termination Form:**
- Completion of the Membership Termination Form is REQUIRED for all Termination Requests. Membership will NOT be terminated until the Organization receives confirmation of completion of the Membership Termination Form.
**4. Notice Period:**
- Termination request must submitted no less than seven (7) days prior to the next billing date.
**5. Dues, Obligations, Use of Hours & Termination of Hours:**
- Members requesting termination are responsible for settling any outstanding dues, fees, or financial obligations to the Organization.
- The Organization may withhold any unpaid dues or fees from a member's refund or deposit, if applicable.
- Membership holder or a registered relationship to membership holder (Family / Corporate Membership or Bay Sponsor) must be present for any bay rental that uses member hours as form of payment.
- By submitting a termination request, members agree to forfeit any and all credit (or hours) that may currently be available or active on their membership. Credits/Hours are non-transferrable.
**6. Return of Property:**
- Members must return any Organization property or assets (e.g., access cards, equipment) in their possession upon membership termination.
- Failure to return Organization property may result in additional charges or penalties.
**7. Refund Policy:**
- REFUNDS of payments are not available for any reason. The TERMINATION of membership shall be the sole remedy to any claim regarding any membership dispute or cancellation.
**8. Billing:**
- All memberships require a valid form of payment (Credit Card or ACH) to be stored.
- All memberships will be automatically billed on the same day every month.
- By submitting your initial membership payment, you agree to be automatically billed each month.
**9. Contractual Obligations
- By making the initial membership payment, you agree to all contractual obligations of purchased membership.
- Birdie, Daily, Combo Membership = Month to Month contracts
- Group Membership = 6 month contract. All early terminations may result in additional fees.
- Bay Sponsorship = 12 month contract. All early terminations may result in additional fees.
**10. Booking Restrictions
- Hourly members can only use 1 bay per rental.
- All additional member rentals can be booked at a discounted member rate.
- 90-Minute Daily Member Rental can only be used once per day and cannot be split or divided.
**11. Termination Approval:**
- Membership termination requests are subject to approval by the Organization's governing body or designated personnel.
- The Organization reserves the right to deny a termination request for reasons including but not limited to non-compliance with these Terms or violation of Organization policies.
**12. Reapplication:**
- Members who have terminated their membership may be eligible to repurchase a membership in the future. Members that wish to repurchase a membership in the future may be subject to additional charges and fees.
**13. Dispute Resolution:**
- Any disputes related to the membership termination request will be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution mechanisms specified in the Organization's bylaws or policies.
**14. Modification of Terms:**
- The Organization reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time.
**15. Contact Information:**
- For any inquiries or concerns related to membership termination, please contact the Organization at memberships@1611golf.com